Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day One - Just to get things started.

This will be a journal that I update daily (hopefully) with sketches. A daily sketch journal, if you will. There may be some days when I can't sketch anything, but for the most part I'll try.

This won't be a shining example of my greatest works, though I may or may not post finished/polished drawings here occasionally. For the most part, though, I have other places to post those things.

Now then. On with today's sketch, shall we? Lately I've been revisiting old anime that I used to watch. The same anime that got me into drawing/illustration in the first place. I recently finished up rewatching Outlaw Star (a particular favorite of mine) and thought to myself "Wow...This art style bugs me". The necks are so long, the shoulders so broad, and the hair so pointy. Good lord. Regardless, it's still one of my favorites. I don't usually draw a great deal of fan-art, but for a sketch blog, I don't see why not. So here's Melfina. She's not my favorite character (That would be Jim Hawking. ;3), but she is awfully cute and I wanted to draw her hair.


  1. Awww! I love Outlaw Star. What a great anime. I should watch it again...

  2. That was what I loved about the anime, how messy and pointy everyone looked. If they came to live and you hugged Jim, you'd get a million paper cuts and bleed to death. Yeah. Totally.
