Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Four - Pin Up Project 2 // Tabathina

I like drawing butts.

But while that's true, that's not the point of this picture. The character has a tattoo on her back, and I didn't think I could really draw a nude of her without showing it off or anything.

Anyway, another character from the Harry Potter RP I'm in. This is Tabathina, and she belongs to my friend Tarah. She's uncharacteristically sweet looking in this picture (We've dubbed Tarah's RP-prep "getting into the surly zone" if that gives you an idea of what the character is like.), but I sort of imagined it as an intimate thing for the character's boyfriend. Who is really the only person she's sweet and vulnerable around. I simply couldn't imagine a pin-up pose where she Tabby.


  1. nice! do i get one too?

  2. Thats so cute, I kinda wonder if it's hard to draw someone looking ticked off seeing as most of the art I have seen of her she looks nice/neutral. Hm.

  3. I haven't exactly gotten a chance to draw her in a not-neutral picture (her references are neutral, but she's a bit scowly). I have a WIP where she looks particularly disgruntled, but I haven't finished it or posted it.

  4. Thats good, I do love the pose, really cute. If I ever get this boob thing down I'm try and draw her peve'd off.

  5. maybe it's because people tend not to draw them for awhile, and since we're not used to drawing them, it's a different experience and artists tend to enjoy differences? idk lol
    nice pose : D!

  6. When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist...
