Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 18 - Believe Me Natalie

Alright, first let me start off by saying that I'm ridiculously ill. I'm achey and feverish and's just fucking terrible. I would like to just curl up and die. ):

While I was drawing this, I was sore all over and about halfway through coloring the pants I literally could no longer feel my hands. They were 100% numb. Holy hell it was so hard to work with. ):

Regardless, the picture came out really nicely. Exactly as I intended it to look, in fact. Sure there's room for improvement (there always is), but for once I'm completely happy with something.

The character is Natalie Davin, the main character for a zombie comic I've been trying to motivate myself to work on.

You can view the animation for this here.