Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry I didn't update for like 10 days.

WIP for Apoc. It's the most work I've done on anything the past week and a half, I'm sorry to say.

Between being sick, being busy, and being out of ideas it's the best I can do.

I am liking how this is coming out, though. I need to fix the foot because the way it is makes the leg look a bit too stiff. But otherwise, I think it looks pretty good.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 18 - Believe Me Natalie

Alright, first let me start off by saying that I'm ridiculously ill. I'm achey and feverish and's just fucking terrible. I would like to just curl up and die. ):

While I was drawing this, I was sore all over and about halfway through coloring the pants I literally could no longer feel my hands. They were 100% numb. Holy hell it was so hard to work with. ):

Regardless, the picture came out really nicely. Exactly as I intended it to look, in fact. Sure there's room for improvement (there always is), but for once I'm completely happy with something.

The character is Natalie Davin, the main character for a zombie comic I've been trying to motivate myself to work on.

You can view the animation for this here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 17 - A real, actual update! Oh my!

Funny story about this picture. It wasn't supposed to be Vittoria...and it wasn't supposed to be naked. But that seems to be where my doodles lead me lately.

Originally I intended this to be Pokemon art. I spent about 8 hours playing Pokemon Crystal for some nostalgia yesterday, and wanted to draw me as a Pokemon trainer with my Drowzee. But then I started off on this and couldn't stop myself.

I'm actually insanely proud of it. I know it doesn't look much better than any of my other doodles, but it's special, in that I drew it on oekaki (ShiPainter), which is something I never manage to make look good. Ever.

Normally I excel at clean lineart. I'm a clean linart master. But in oekaki, sadly, my linart looks all woobly and retarded. But not this time! Oh no, not this time! This time apparently I was just tired enough to be ridiculously anal about my lines, though not tired enough to decide to just give up in the middle. Or something. Whatever it was, it worked for once, and I could die happy right now because I was finally successful.

Here is the animation for it, if you'd like to watch me work.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 15 - dfajkaj;la

This is actually kind of old, but I've been slacking again.

I love Supernatural. And Jensen Ackles. Good lord.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 13 - Here I'll actually write something for once.

Sorry for missing so many days. I'll try to be a bit better in the coming week.

Here is the finished version of the Gaia commission I was doing. I didn't really like the avatars I was working with, to be honest. But I made the best of it.

His head looks too big, but I tried re-drawing it like five times and this is the best I could get.

Also the background is ass, but I can't really do much with Tegaki.

I DO, however like how I drew the girl, particularly her outfit. So there's that at least. I hope the guy I drew it for likes it. :B

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I couldn't care less about missing day 11.

Sorry guys. Bad day. Not going into it. Here have another WIP.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 8 - HURR


This is Samael, one of Melissa's characters from the HP roleplay blahblahblah. She's younger than the rest of the characters by a year. This is obviously not her pin-up picture but I'm still trying to think of her as a grown up so I don't feel like a dirty pedo drawing her.

Sorry, Ainsley, she doesn't drive race cars.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day Seven - Since I don't think anything else will get done.

It's halfway through the day and I'm pretty busy right now, so I'll just post this WIP. I'm really proud of how it's turning out. The backgound isn't a mass of bullshit and AIDS for once, and I'm experimenting with a different coloring style for the foreground.

And...well...zombies. I fucking love zombies.

The undersketch is pretty balls retarded looking, but I promise that in the end everything will look good.

This is a present for my friend Josh. The girl is me and the guy is him. He loves zombies too. I'm going to go get back to work.

Day Six - Nothing to see here.

I was out. Eating a delicious dinner and walking all over town with my friend. I had a lot of fun, but unfortunately did not draw anything today.

And by today, I apparently mean yesterday, because it turned the 7th 11 minutes ago. ):

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Five - I don't have a clever title

I needed some gold on Gaia, and my friend gave me some. Incidentally, it was the same friend who got me to do this sketch-a-day thing. Go her!

In return I drew a picture for her. This is her character Sophie. I hope that she likes it.

That's all I have to say, really.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Four - Pin Up Project 3 // Arianne

I was hard-pressed to think of a way I could draw Arianne in a "sexy" way. While the character is quite pretty, she's also very shy and innocent and would probably never pose.

But she does get married! And so...bridal lingerie! And blushing and shy. And Garfield is a lucky man wooooah.

I draw a lot of profiles. Why is that?

Also her legs aren't stubby (because I know like everyone ever will be like "WHERE'S THE REST OF HER LEGS?"), you just can't see the lower half of her legs because of how she's sitting. I think. I looked in a mirror while sitting this way and I couldn't see the lower half of MY legs. But my thighs are pretty big, so that may just be me. Whatev.

Arianne is my friend Bree's character for the HP RP I'm in.

Day Four - Pin Up Project 2 // Tabathina

I like drawing butts.

But while that's true, that's not the point of this picture. The character has a tattoo on her back, and I didn't think I could really draw a nude of her without showing it off or anything.

Anyway, another character from the Harry Potter RP I'm in. This is Tabathina, and she belongs to my friend Tarah. She's uncharacteristically sweet looking in this picture (We've dubbed Tarah's RP-prep "getting into the surly zone" if that gives you an idea of what the character is like.), but I sort of imagined it as an intimate thing for the character's boyfriend. Who is really the only person she's sweet and vulnerable around. I simply couldn't imagine a pin-up pose where she Tabby.

Day Four - Vittoria's notes

My character in the Harry Potter RP I'm in makes up spells. My latest post gave a bit of a description of what her spell-making notes look like and I thought it would be a fun thing to draw.

This is one of her earlier spells. Something immensely simple, but has flashy wandwork. Something she created before she began perfecting her craft.

Don't worry if you can't read it. You're not really meant to. You see...I don't know the first thing about making up spells in J.K Rowlings universe. It's not something that's ever gone into in the series (though making up spells is mentioned, she doesn't exactly get into the mechanics of it all), and as such I sort of have to pull things out of my ass and make it up as I go along. It is something that I've always wondered about and that's why I've chosen to explore it with my character.

Now it's time to give credit where it's due. The background texture was downloaded from here and the fonts I used for Vittoria's handwriting were Joe Hand 2 and Edgar da cool.

Sorry. I missed Day Three.

It's already about three hours into day four. I've been having a rough couple of days and will hopefully pick back up today.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day Two - Not as productive as I'd hoped to be

Well I had hoped I'd do more today, but I don't think I'll end up doing much more than this.

Just a small doodle of Ash's Gaia Online avatar. It's not much, and I'm not really sure I even like how it turned out (The hood+ninja face mask thing doesn't look that great), but I needed SOMETHING to upload, and I felt that after the day I put him through he deserved a little reminder that I don't hate his guts.

I'm going to go watch Heroes with my younger sister. She hasn't seen it yet. I've already seen seasons 1 and 2 (haven't seen 3 yet, but I hear it doesn't live up to it's predecessors) and she keeps asking me questions and I don't want to give it away.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day One - Now with double the daily dose of sketch.

Mostly I just wanted to draw a butt, but now I'm thinking of doing a series of pin-up sketches like this of all the female characters in the Harry Potter RP I'm a part of (This would be my character, Vittoria). They'd, of course, be of the older versions of our characters. No lolicon here, sir!

I think I may end up posting several sketches a day in this blog (though they may or may not go in multiple posts). That should make up for any days I happen to miss.

Here is a version of this picture with a half-assed background.

Day One - Just to get things started.

This will be a journal that I update daily (hopefully) with sketches. A daily sketch journal, if you will. There may be some days when I can't sketch anything, but for the most part I'll try.

This won't be a shining example of my greatest works, though I may or may not post finished/polished drawings here occasionally. For the most part, though, I have other places to post those things.

Now then. On with today's sketch, shall we? Lately I've been revisiting old anime that I used to watch. The same anime that got me into drawing/illustration in the first place. I recently finished up rewatching Outlaw Star (a particular favorite of mine) and thought to myself "Wow...This art style bugs me". The necks are so long, the shoulders so broad, and the hair so pointy. Good lord. Regardless, it's still one of my favorites. I don't usually draw a great deal of fan-art, but for a sketch blog, I don't see why not. So here's Melfina. She's not my favorite character (That would be Jim Hawking. ;3), but she is awfully cute and I wanted to draw her hair.