Saturday, April 4, 2009

Have a picturedump.

Here's a bunch of stuff I've done recently. And an update on where the fuck I've been.

Most of the time I've either been out with friends (mostly Josh, but occasionally Posey and even my sister sometimes). Yesterday, however, I called up the food bank to ask about volunteer work and will be going in on Wednesday morning to hopefully start that up! I also got a haircut a while ago, but I don't know if that's really noteworthy.

In addition to that I went on quite the adventure with my sister and Posey. We went to Cape Flattery on the Olympic Peninsula. The experience was unlike any other. Standing on the edges of cliffs and feeling so tiny compared to everything around you...and then knowing that this huge chunk of earth is only one squintillionth of what's out there to see. I can't even describe how amazing that felt, or how much it fueled the desire to see the world I already had.

If you're interested in seeing more photos from the trip, here you go. (This isn't all the pictures, but rather just some of my favorites from both the hike and the final destination)

Most of these photos were taken by my sister.

We also took a detour through Forks where she kicked a Twilight sign.

Aside from that, I've also been playing a lot of Fallout 3, and having a fucking blast with it. I'm not very far because I don't have the attention span to stick to the main storyline. I've mostly been dicking around the wasteland and trying to level up and do side quests.

I've also picked up Dead Space, but have made even less headway with that. Mostly because I scare easily and the game has literally made me scream. I can't play it alone, and have to coordinate when I want to play it with when my younger sister comes home.

In other game news, I got my DS back from Josh after god knows how long, and my sister got punched from the rooftop of a building by the Tank in L4D the last time we played Dead Air.

I've also started working on my zombie comic, though admittedly it's still only in the planning stages. I've asked my friend if he'd like to write for it (since I possess no talent for the art of writing and must stick to the visual media) and he's expressed interest. Unfortunately we don't get to talk very often so progress is slow. We've been working out character information and the basic premise of the story. In addition to Natalie we've added a few others to the cast. I've also recently decided that I'd like to use Savoy (on the right/the mascot for my website) in the comic somehow, but I have not yet had the opportunity to tell my writer about her.

Along with this lovely picture of Savoy post mortem, I also did a collaboration with a new friend from the oekaki I frequent.

He did some absolutely amazing color work for my line art. I nearly died when I saw his work in progress for this. The bite wound on her arm and the scratches on her shoulder are fucking gorgeous (or as gorgeous as such gory things can be).

I'm very excited to do more collabs with him in the future.

If you'd like to see more of his art, check out his DeviantArt (though it looks like it's been quite a while since he last updated), or more of his oekaki work.

And because I just can't stop drawing zombies, I also did a self-portrait that I'm particularly fond of.

Well I guess that's all for now. A lot of these pictures were also updated on my website (along with a handful of others not featured here!) so go check that out as well!


  1. oh oh oh! can i be a zombie extra? preeeeeeeeeeez ; 3;

  2. You look super cute in glasses!
