Saturday, April 4, 2009

Notes about my day...for Wil Wheaton.

So in the late morning, Josh called me from Emerald City ComicCon to tell me that he was going to be meeting Wil Wheaton in just a few short minutes and that he was going to put him on the phone for me, since I'm a big fan of Wil. I was quite excited, but a few short minutes turned out to be longer than he thought, so he let me go and called me back about five minutes later and I talked to Wil Wheaton. It wasn't a very long conversation. He told me that he was surrounded by thousands of people in a convention hall and I said I wasn't surrounded by thousands of people because I was still in bed, and then we joked about how that wouldn't be a very restful environment anyway. He had to go because well...he didn't come all the way to Emerald City ComicCon to talk to me on the phone, but he said I should take notes about my day and we'd compare later.

While I'm pretty sure he didn't actually intend to compare notes about our days with me, I went ahead and took notes anyway.

I wrote them down in a composition notebook I originally intended for story notes and sketches for my zombie comic.

My Day - for Wil Wheaton

At approximately 12:00 I talked to Wil Wheaton on the phone. It was pretty sweet and I was very excited. He was nice and funny, and I hope I didn't sound like...retarded or something.

At about 12:07 I posted on a forum I frequent that I talked to Wil Wheaton on the phone. I was still quite excited about having gotten to talk to him and wanted to tell my friends about it.

12:10 - Daniel does not believe I talked to Wil Wheaton. I told him I did so talk to Wil Wheaton IN YOUR FACE

12:20-12:35 - Spent unsuccessfully doodling. Will come back to it later, I guess.

12:40 - Played Pokemon Pinball and listened to a bunch of Death Cab.
  • Caught another Machop. I don't need another Machop.
  • Caught Onix.
  • Caught Meowth. Evolved it to Persian. Lost my final ball with 74mil points.
  • Ugh...Caterpie. Evolved Caterpie to Metapod
  • Caught Rattata.
  • Caught Pidgey
  • Another Caterpie? For fuck's sake.
  • Ended with 155mil points, and a high score.
  • Game did not save. FFFFFFFUUUUUU--
1:12 - Done playing Pokemon Pinball.

Fuck this time recording bullshit. I'll take notes and you can just make up a time that suits you, really.

After Pokemon Pinball I lurked Fark for a bit and then attempted again to draw. It was another unsuccessful endeavor, though this time it was on paper and not on the computer. Then I updated my blog. I guess that has a timestamp, you can't really make up a time for that.

I spent some time lurking the internets and listening to music before deciding to head out for an adventure. Now for those of you not in the know, adventures are my cute little name for walks so that they become more interesting. Going for a walk is nice, but going for an adventure is's exciting! I'm adventuring! I'm seeing the world and it's grand! Even on a route I've walked a million times before I have a good time because it's an adventure, not something mundane like a walk. Usually I take a camera and I post the pictures up for my friends to see and make up a story as I upload and type. But since this was My Day - for Wil Wheaton, and I told him I'd write things as they happened instead of bullshitting them at the end of the day I went right ahead and wrote things down. Do you hear that, Wil Wheaton? I changed it up a bit just for you.

I started out on my adventure much the way I start on any other adventure. I leave the house and walk up the street. Only I forgot my camera and had to turn right back around to go get it. Once I retrieved my camera I re-began my adventure!

Now, when I leave on an adventure I don't normally start out with a destination in mind. I just walk and take pictures and end up wherever I end up. If I had a clear goal in mind it wouldn't be an adventure. It would be a quest. And while there's nothing inherently wrong with quests...or goals in general, this is an adventure.

I ducked through a hole in a fence and into the park that's just a block or two from my house. This certainly isn't where I meant to end my adventure, but I felt it was a good starting point. It's a very sunny day out and is quite warm. There are some people at the park, but not too many. I'm listening to The Aquabats - Lobster Bucket and so far it's a very good day.

Adventures are actually quite relaxed. I take lots of short breaks and reflect on the things that I see or what goes on around me. I don't like to rush all the excitement. Too much excitement at once can actually physically crush a person. I should know, I've seen it happen.

After a great deal of walking with no notes being taken, because it's quite hard to both write and walk at once and there were few places for me to sit and reflect after I left the park, I ended up at this other park I used to spend time at when I was younger. It's just across the street from the house where I first met Josh, and I spent many nights as a stupid teen sitting on the play place here. That was over six years ago and the park hasn't changed a bit.

This place is always in the back of my mind, but being here is weird. Like stumbling into a place you've only ever dreamt about. Somewhere you weren't quite sure was actually real or remembered correctly.

I'm sitting in this one little patch of sunshine. Almost everything else around me is shadowed by those trees.

I wonder why I came here.

After that I went home and the rest of my day was really just more of the same. Nothing else to really write about.

I hope Wil Wheaton actually reads this!


  1. You are too cute, cut it out :I <3

  2. Dude, you had an awesome day.

    Now I want to go on an adventure, but I can't until I complete two quests. Dang.

    (I tried to post this with my TypeKey account, but it wouldn't let me. Stupid computers.)


    -Daniel [thinkingface]

  4. AMAZING, IT'S WIL! I CAME! Also, Reddy is amazing. Like...the most amazing person. Ever.
